Communal Truth

Table of Contents

Communal Truth:

The Gospel and the Apostles:


What Is Truth?

A summary of a communal approach to epistemology:

1We exist and have knowledge within communities.
2Knowledge is acquired by a community through the sense perceptions, logic, innate ideas, intuition, divine revelations or scientific observations of its individual members, as well as through shared communal experiences and conversations.
3Knowledge is communicated to the members of a community by means of language, stories and myths.
4The telling of myths and acting them out in rituals publicly and communally affirm the central truths of the community.
5The truth of the knowledge of a community is verified in the long-term life of the community, based on its coherence and how well it works to account for the experience and relationships of the community.
6Individuals within the community serve as witnesses to what potential knowledge is or isn’t true (and what previously-held truths need adjustment).
7“Priests” serve as the keepers of the traditions of the community and are responsible for retelling its central myths and implementing its rituals.
8“Prophets” (often priests themselves) serve as corrective agents, calling the community back to its central truths when it strays from them, but a prophet’s truth must also be tested within the context of the community.
9The mythology of a community may sometimes be “translated” into the mythological language of another, but their mythologies do not always attest to the same truths.



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